Friday, September 6, 2013

Baby Bump and Other Things

Here is the belly pic.  Just starting my third trimester, and getting excited!  Baby Luke is already a very active boy.
Last weekend we went caribou hunting as a family (Bethany stayed behind with a family from church because she didn't want to miss any school.)
The kids looked for cool rocks in the river on the way into camp.
The second day, Rachel's 4-wheeler lost a rear wheel.  That was the end of hunting for that day.  Ryan was able to get it loaded onto his ranger and take it out the 25 miles back to the trailer and still make it back into camp that evening, but I was less than comfortable being the only adult left in camp (BEARS!) with the kids.  Fortunately, my children are not quiet (I encouraged lots of singing and loud talking) and we did not even see any bears.
The next day while hunting, Ryan found some ptarmigan (grouse-like birds).  He actually hit one with a rock!  Jacob and Sarah were enthralled with the dead bird.  We ate it when we got back to camp that night.  Delicious!
The kids had fun whittling around the campfire.  We came home with a couple of boats and something that looks slightly like a totem pole.
When cleaning out Sarah's backpack from the trip, I found this note.
We did not find any caribou, but we made lots of memories.  On the trip out, I found a blueberry patch.  We were able to pick a gallon of wild, Alaskan blueberries to bring home.  So good!
Ryan is currently out moose hunting.  I'm praying that he is successful.  Moose meat is a staple around here, and we used our last package of moose burger last night.
The kids all started back to school on Aug 19th.  After homeschooling last year, Bethany is back to school.  She is a sophomore!  I'm praying for her and her teachers (well, I pray for all my kids and their teachers), that this will be a good year!
There is other news in the air, but I will wait until things are for sure and settled before sharing.  I'm finding out that God doesn't always answer prayer in the way I expect.  I guess I already knew that, but I'm being reminded again.
Love from very rainy Valdez!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah's note is so precious, I laughed out loud. I can't believe you got a whole gallon of blueberries!! That's wonderful. I enjoyed this whole post very much. Love, Shan
