Monday, September 9, 2013

In the Kitchen

Yesterday in the kitchen was bread day.  Bread day actually starts the evening before around here.  After milling whole grains (a mix of prairie gold wheat, kamut, and spelt) into beautiful flour, I soak the flour overnight before making bread the next day. You can read more about why I soak my flour here: .

The recipe I use ( makes three large loaves or four smaller loaves.  I made three yesterday.

Here they are about to go in the oven.


Here was my first (of three) piece, hot out of the oven, slathered in butter.
So far in the kitchen today, I made homemade deodorant.  Yes, homemade deodorant.  I'm tired of using the store-bought stuff with aluminum in it, especially since the anti-perspirant aspect of it doesn't even work for me.  I have already tried homemade deodorant (thanks sis!) and it works great!  This is just my first time making my own.  I used this recipe: . I used orange, lemon, tea tree, and cinnamon essential oils in mine.
The ingredients.

The finished product in a plastic container.
Some people use empty store-bought deodorant containers, but I just rub mine on like lotion.
Later today in the kitchen, I need to attend to the peaches and nectarines before they go bad.  I will probably slice and freeze them.  The kids love using them in smoothies.  Some of the peaches may end up as freezer jam.  My freezer jam always turns out kind of runny, but that's the way they like it around here.  Works great on waffles and pancakes!
What is happening in your kitchen?


  1. we have homemade bread in our kitchen too.. a friend gave it to us! the kids LOVE it - it's been their lunch all week. :)) my mom used to make bread all the time when i was growing up and i can still remember how much i loved that smell...

    so interesting you made deodorant. my daughter was just telling me that a friend of hers made some and she was saying she wanted to try - i can give her this recipe now! the anti-perspirant never works for me either.. i sweat like a man. haha! ;))

    1. Just an update: the deodorant works really well!

  2. I could go for a piece of that bread right now!
    I have beef stew in the crock pot for tonight's dinner. Last cookies made were peanut butter.
    Hugs and lots of love!~
